
Adoption Update

April 11, 2018

We know we have been a little quiet over here the last few weeks.  My father-in-law’s health declined rapidly starting four weeks ago so Casey and I put a hold on our adoption paperwork, as his dad was our priority.  He went home to be with The Lord last Tuesday, April 3rd. We miss him terribly but we are so thankful he is not in pain anymore. When we told my father-in-law a few months back that we were adopting, he was so very excited.  He said with a huge smile, “That is going to be one very loved child.” It breaks our hearts they will never get to meet but we are so thankful we have photos and stories to share as our child(ren) get older. They will know that their Grampy loved them so much even though he didn’t get a chance to meet them.  We are grateful for the love and prayers we have received from friends and family over the last few weeks. Such an overflowing of drop-ins, meals, phone calls and texts. Our community is so big and so kind and you all mean so much to us. More than you know.  

In thinking about our community, we have also felt love in another way…We have some really exciting news to share about our adoption process…


I know we’ve said this before, but I will say it again; we are so very thankful to each of you that have contributed whether it has been the purchase of a t-shirt or several (there is still ONE day left if you haven’t gotten yours!), or donated to the agency or directly to us for our out-of-pocket costs.  Every.  Little.  Bit.  Counts.  It takes a village and you have shown us that now, more than ever. If you did get a t-shirt, don’t forget to take a selfie or photo with your fam and use the hashtag #bringbabythompsonhome. We want to see how good you all look in those tees!

So What’s next?

Finishing up paperwork over the next week and getting it turned in to the agency.  We will also get started on and finish our photobook to be printed. This is what the birth mother will see, a snapshot of our life, to choose us.

Please continue to pray for us as we finish up the paperwork and then begin the Homestudy process.  We will post more updates as they come!

With much love and many, many thanks,

  Jen

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