Simple Living, Simple Sundays Real Simple It’s no surprise that with my love of a simpler, slower life, Real Simple magazine would be my favorite.… February 24, 2019
Simple Living, Simple Sundays My Weekly Cleaning Routine For the past few weeks I have used a cleaning schedule that I came up with the first week… February 11, 2019
Simple Living, Simple Sundays Living Simply: Part 2 Hey friend! Last week we touched on how to begin with living simply and if it’s the kind of… January 27, 2019
Simple Living, Simple Sundays Living Simply: Part 1 What does it mean to live a simple life? Merriam-Webster describes it as: —used to refer to a manner… January 20, 2019
Simple Living Why I Whole30 In just a few days I’m looking forward to leading a group through the Whole30, starting January 2nd! This… December 30, 2018