
Homestudy Process

June 24, 2018

There has been lots to do around here, so that is why you haven’t seen an update in a while!  The paperwork, photo book and course took some time to get through in the midst of getting things together for my father-in-law’s estate, but we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel! We are happy to say we are done with our paperwork and online course! Everything has been turned in to our adoption agency and we’ve already had our first homestudy visit this past week. We will have our second visit in a couple of weeks, then the social worker will complete the homestudy write-up to go with our photo book we’ve given to the agency.

We spent days and hours figuring out which photos to use for our book.  How do you truly capture what it would be like to be a part of our family in 25 pages?  We’re thankful for the homestudy visits because those ten pages that will go along with our book will help the birthmother get a sense of us, our family life, hobbies, holidays and traditions without actually meeting us.  It is through the words of the social worker and our photos that the birthmother will choose us.  We pray that the words will come to life and that she will know the authenticity of our hearts during the time she takes to learn about us.  It is something all together different to be vulnerable in this way; to open ourselves up to someone who could reject us.  We know that God is orchestrating the pieces and that at the end of this we will be able to look back on the beautiful story that He is writing.

(front cover of our photo book)

The support we have received from family and friends (and even some we don’t know) has been an incredible blessing to us.  You have showered us with love and prayer, purchased t-shirts and written checks to support us. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!  The t-shirts have been wildly popular and people are still purchasing..there is another batch currently open that will close around 9pm tonight if you would like to grab one! They will ship out July 2nd:

If you have purchased a t-shirt, we’d love to see you, your friends + family wearing them. Would you send us an email with your photos? Don’t forget to post with the hashtag #bringbabythompsonhome so we can see just how big this community is! We can’t wait to show our child how loved they are when they’re old enough to understand.

Be on the lookout soon for our next post including nursery photos!

Until then…

Much love,

  Jen


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